5 tips on succeeding with a new boss

In any work environment, change is inevitable, and invariably will happen when you least expect it.  One of the most challenging changes can be the departure of an old boss ad the arrival of a new boss.  Whether it’s due to organisational change, business restructuring, a departure of a familiar face or changes higher up the… Continue reading 5 tips on succeeding with a new boss

Pay close attention to how you treat your leavers

I’ve written many times on the impact of how you treat your people and the direct correlation with the customer experience they deliver, but another topic I’ve not visited recently is the impact of how you treat those who are leaving your company.  Most businesses have seen some voluntary or involuntary changes in personnel this… Continue reading Pay close attention to how you treat your leavers

How to motivate your remote working team

Since my first “proper” full time job after university, many, MANY years ago, I happened to work in work environments where colleagues, suppliers and customers happened to be remote.  In fact, not just remote, but overseas, speaking languages I did not understand, in time zones very different to my own.  When I fast forward to… Continue reading How to motivate your remote working team

Delivering operational transformation without budget or headcount

In my last post, we discussed why headcount increase should be your last resort, because extra headcount costs money, and instead you can almost always improve on efficiency, automation and cross-skilling / up-skilling.  A lean operation is a well run operation, and in normal times, everything runs smoothly and your customers and people are happy. … Continue reading Delivering operational transformation without budget or headcount